Thursday, March 17, 2011

My labor story.

 On September 29, 2010 I had a doctors appointment early in the morning to check my blood pressure and to set up a date to get induced. My blood pressure had been pretty high for almost two weeks so my OB thought it was best to induce labor.  My OB that I had been seeing my whole pregnancy was at the hospital so the doctor replacing him took my blood pressure and noticed it was very high, took it a few more times and told me I had to head over to L&D because she was concerned. I still remember walking out of that office and into the empty elevator and feeling mixed emotions. I was scared, excited and worried all at once. My hubby had just finished working a 13 hour shift and had no idea what he was about to experience that night. Neither did I.
 I got home took another shower, picked up my bag and extra stuff I needed then headed to the hospital. I  arrived at the hospital at 2cm dilated 80% effaced and waited about an hour until they hooked up the pitocin. It took a while before I felt any pain so I continued to post on facebook to update our friends and family. My doctor came and broke my water to see if it would help me progress. (To be honest I cant remember what time it was.) It was the most uncomfortable feeling ever, It was like peeing my self and feeling it gush all over my legs. I began to feel lots of pressure on my back shortly after my water was broken so my nurse pushed me into getting the Epidural. My goal was to try to go all natural but I caved and got it because I could no longer handle the horrible pain in my back. The Epi was my best friend that night because I no longer felt like my back was splitting in two and I was able finally get some sleep. I was woken up at 6am to be checked and i was barley 4cm.  At 9 am i was checked again because I was feeling lots of pressure down there like I needed to take a huge poop. I was barley 7.5cm so we guessed i would be ready to start pushing by noon. At noon my Doctor came in to check again and said that my cervix was extremely swollen and was starting to close, she was concerned about my baby's health because he was starting to go in distress and his heart rate was dropping so i had no other option and had to get an emergency c-section. :( Everything went quick after that. I remember the nurse rushing me to fill out paper work for the c-section as fast as I could, next thing you know I puke all over her. I was so embarrassed but she just laughed. I was given this disgusting drink so I wouldn't throw up during surgery, I wore this funny hat and my hubby suited up in one piece suit. During the whole surgery I kept shaking non stop. I have no idea why but I hated that feeling. I laid there looking at the ceiling and thinking how in a few minutes i could no longer be selfish and think of myself, my son was my priority and my life was forever about to change. When my son was finally pulled out I felt the worst pain ever as if i was never numb i screamed for them to stop and immediately a nurse put something in my IV to help ease my pain. what had happened was my son was stuck towards my spine and stopped me from getting completely numb. I watched my hubby and son leave the room to get him cleaned and weighed while i was getting sewed up, it was so sad I wish I could have held my son the moment he was born but instead i had to wait until I was in the recovery room.

Brian Antonio Cruz came into this world September 30, 2010
@2:45pm weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces.

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